Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fiat owner tools maintenance Timing Belt

The importance of an engine timing belt What is the purpose of a timing belt or cambelt? The purpose of a timing belt is to ensure that the moving components of an engine revolve in perfect co-ordination. The belt revolves at 1000s of revolutions per minute, withstanding extreme mechanical and thermal stresses, so replacing the belts and tensioners at the scheduled intervals is essential maintenance. Failure to replace your timing belt can result in engine failure The Technical Skills There is no better place to have your timing belt replaced than at a Fiat Dealership, with its modern fully equipped workshops staffed by Fiat trained technicians who have the required expertise and specialist tools to ensure your car is maintained to the highest standards.

For further information or to make a booking to have your timing belt checked or replaced please speak to our Service Department. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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